Emire Khidayer

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TV JOJ on 27 Aug 2016: Migration, EU Policies and citizens´ reactions

IN TV JOJ´s news with the moderator Rasťo Striško I spoke about the reactions of citizens relecting the EU policies when it comes to migration to Europe. http://velkenoviny.joj.sk/archiv/2016-08-27-noviny-tv-joj


Morning with TV Markiza, 22 Aug 2016: Islam, Sport and Way of Dressing

In Morning with Markiza program at the Markiza TV I spoke with Roman, the moderator, about Islam, sport and the way of Dressing. This talk pertained to the Olympic Games in Rio and was aired on 22 August 2016. http://videoarchiv.markiza.sk/video/telerano/zo-zakulisia/50432_preco-francuzsko-zakazalo-burkini


10 Aug 2016: Dubai Secret for blind and weak-eyed readers in Czechia

I am happy that I could have made joy also for my blind and weak-eyed readers in the Czech Republic as My Dubai Secret book has been adapted to the braille script and a special sound format. Enjoy and have a good read!


Lecture: Governance in the Middle East, Faculty of Law, Trnava University, 28 April 2016 at 11,10 am

There will be a special lecture aimed at Governance in the Middle East. We will dissect the governing systems of the region at the Faculty of Law, Trnava University. This event will be organized in cooperation with the Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom on 28 April 2016 at 11,10 am.


Debate: Arabs and their World, Tríbeč Library in Topoľčany, 27 April 2016 at 4,30 pm

You are cordially invited to a next debate of mine which will be on the topic: Arabs and their World. This event will take place in Tríbeč Library in Topoľčany on 27 April 2016 at 4,30 pm.


Debate: The Middle East Today and We, The Hotel Academy of Ľudovít Winter, 27 April 2016 at 10 am

I am going to hold a debate on the topic: The Middle East Today and We. The debate will be with students of the Hotel Academy of Ľudovít Winter in Piešťany and take place on 27 April 2016 at 10 am. Eager to be there!


Debate: The Middle East and We, High School in Myjava, 6 April 2016 at 10 am

We has a spirited debate with students of the High School in Myjava on 6 April 2016 at 10 am. The topic sounded: "The Middle East and We". http://www.gymy.sk/beseda1.pdf


Beseda: "Blízky východ, migranti a my", knižnica v Trenčíne 31.3.2016 o 16,30 hod.

Na štvrtok mám pre Trenčín pripravenú besedu pod názvom "Blízky východ, migranti a my". Posvietime si na témy, ktoré včera boli zaujímavé, no dnes sú viac než citlivé. My sa ich chopíme z orientalistického hľadiska. Takže pozývam Vás do Knižnice Michala Rešetku v Trenčíne tento štvrtok 31.3.2016 o 16,30 hod.


A Christmas Debate on the Arab World: About festivals, faith and mentality, at The Gallery of Spis Artists on 17 Dec 2015 at 5 pm.

Posledná tohtoročná verejná akcia bude predsa len na Východe. 17. decembra 2015 o 17 hod. v Spišskej Novej Vsi na tému Vianočné rozhovory o arabskom svete: O sviatkoch, viere a mentalite. Galéria umelcov Spiša pripravuje veľkolepý program. Pozývam Spiš a okolie!


Prednáška "Blízky východ a islámske právo", Knižnica Právnickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity 25.11.2015 o 9,30 hod.

Postupne sa dostávame k tomu, čo formuje myslenie a právanie arabského národa, resp. národov. Dôležitým faktorom je islámske právo, ktorého základy sú položené a odvodené z náboženskej literatúry. Keďže náboženské texty sú plné symbolov a alegórií, produkujú tak živnú pôdu pre vysvetlenia doslova od výmyslu sveta. Veď to poznáte, čo právnik, to názor, to rozsudok. Alebo čo človek, to názor, to posudok. A preto o tejto dôležitej téme sa skôr akademicky porozprávam so študentami práva Trnavskej univerzity budúcu stredu 25.11.2015 o 9,30 hod.


Debate: "The Arab Dream of Europe" at Piešťany Information Center on 24 Nov 2015 at 5,30 pm

Yet, the last weekend does not leave us reluctant to what is happening around us. What is the nature of comprehension and perception from the side of Arab individuals and communities, in addition to the Muslim ones when they come into contact with the European values? What expectations do they bring along before they touch them upon? At this debate we will tackle such topics that we, under different circumstances, would not confront almost daily while speaking about our neighbouring Arab-Islamic culture. You are welcome for discussion next Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 5,30 pm at Piešťany Information Center.

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